Overcoming Common Objections When Selling a Cloud PBX Service
Telecom operators sell a cloud-based PBX service and regularly face objections from prospects. The service can be new for potential customers and your sales reps, so it’s worth gathering the most frequent questions in a list and training your staff to answer them confidently. Let’s discuss four frequent objections regarding a cloud PBX and figure out how to overcome them effortlessly.
Objection 1: Cloud-Based Solutions Are More Vulnerable Because Lost Internet Connection Will Block Access to the Service
Perhaps this objection is the most frequent, so pay special attention to preparing for an answer with your team beforehand.
Your answer. If Internet or power outages occur in your office, a cloud PBX service will continue to operate, and all features and data will be saved. If the landline phones in the office go down, mobile phones will still work, you won't miss any calls, and you can view all the information in your account remotely. In our data center, there will be no outage.
Nevertheless, if you want to be always online, you can get a backup source of connectivity that guarantees uninterrupted Internet access. As usual, companies pay an additional cost for a backup connection, which completely solves the problem.
Comment. It is crucial to show that cloud-based PBXs are much better than on-premises alternatives (and they, indeed, are more secure because the professionals on the vendor’s side take on maintaining the cloud-based solution).
Some clients may have concerns about potential downtime, latency, and compatibility issues. To alleviate these concerns, demonstrate how you employ redundancy, backup, and recovery systems to guarantee the high reliability of your cloud PBX.
Objection 2: A Cloud PBX Isn’t Secure Because All My Data Will Be Located Somewhere on the Internet
This objection appears when people don’t understand how cloud services work and can doubt the security just because they’ve heard something about it.
Your answer. Security risks are inherent when your business is online, whether in on-premises or cloud settings. While cloud security has significantly advanced and continues to improve, it's a misconception that having data in the cloud means it's easily accessible to anyone on the Internet. In reality, 64% of enterprises believe cloud infrastructure offers better security than traditional legacy systems.
Today, cloud-based solutions satisfy the security requirements of the military, global banks, and other high-security organizations. So, using a cloud PBX will be as secure as doing a transaction through your mobile banking app.
Comment. It’s essential to show that cloud-based solutions don’t have more security problems than on-premises PBXs. You can highlight that data "in the cloud" is actually stored in a physical data center on tangible equipment. These facilities boast top-tier physical and network security.
Moreover, you can emphasize that securing on-premises servers against physical theft requires significant investment in time and resources. Comprehensive protection typically involves implementing robust security measures, including guards, mantraps, and securely locked server cages.
Objection 3: We’d Better Buy an On-Premises PBX and Won’t Pay a Subscription Fee
This objection indicates that a prospect knows little about cloud and on-premises PBX systems, and financial calculations from your side are recommended.
Your answer. In any case, you need to pay for a service. As for an on-premises PBX, you will spend a lot of resources on deploying the system. Then, paying for maintenance and updates is necessary to suit the company's development. If it fails at the most inconvenient moment while waiting for a PBX technician, you will miss calls, which means you risk losing income from sales. There’s no such problem with a cloud PBX because a vendor takes on all essential maintenance parts, and you will always access the service without outages.
Comment. Comparing two options is crucial because it will show a customer the difference. There’s often an illusion that an on-premises PBX is cheaper: a customer thinks primarily about upfront costs and ignores the following expenses related to maintenance. Besides, on-premises solutions don’t have advanced features like cloud-based alternatives.
Objection 4: The Cloud PBX Price Is High
You can encounter such an objection regarding nearly every service or product, so knowing how to show the benefits of a cloud PBX definitely won’t hurt you.
Your answer. It always depends on what solution you compare a cloud PBX with. If you mean an on-premises PBX, consider who manages that hardware. Is it an in-house team or a managed service provider? Additionally, consider the on-site expenses and risks associated with hosting your infrastructure, such as power and internet redundancy, physical security, and other costs. These expenses can accumulate, particularly when hardware needs to be updated every 3-4 years.
Comment. If a client says so, they probably don’t understand the value of a cloud PBX service. So, explaining how the service will increase their revenue or save money is essential. You can focus on the following characteristics: without a cloud PBX, there’s a high risk of losing money due to missed calls.
Something Else to Consider
Typically, objections regarding a cloud PBX appear when customers don’t understand exactly what problems the service solves. To address such objections even more effectively, you can focus on the following approaches:
Tell about possible objections first, not waiting for customers’ questions. This strategy will help you answer all questions “in advance.” If prospects don’t ask you directly about issues of cloud PBX security or other doubts, it doesn’t mean they don’t have objections.
Train your reps to answer uncomfortable questions. The most common objections in your case will be obvious when you listen to 100 potential customers and find out the most frequent questions. After that, you can form your list with objections and teach your sales reps to overcome them efficiently.
Build a reputation. The most effective way to overcome an objection is to show case studies. It’s especially great to have government agencies as clients. There’s always an association with credibility and security (if the government uses this service, this cloud PBX provider can’t offer something unsecured).
The objections about a cloud PBX often stem from misconceptions and outdated perceptions. You can always address these concerns with factual information and highlight the numerous advantages of the cloud PBX service. The main advantage in this case is saving revenue as all calls won’t go unanswered. As a cloud PBX provider, you can show your strengths and focus on solving all problems in advance.